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What Is DHT and How Does It Cause Male Pattern Baldness?

If you’ve been surfing the internet for answers about your hair loss, you may have already come across the term DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone. The hormone DHT is responsible for causing Male Pattern Baldness (MPB), a widespread condition in men which describes a loss of hair at the hairline or crown of the head. Around 6.5 million men in the UK experience MPB.

Factors like stress, diet and illness can cause hair loss, however losing hair on the scalp is most likely caused by how genetically sensitive you are to DHT.

DHT actually contributes to the development of certain characteristics as we grow up. However, it has a pretty adverse effect on the hair follicles on the scalp.

So, what is DHT?

The hormone DHT is made as a byproduct of Testosterone through the 5a-reductase enzyme, an enzyme that works to convert Testosterone into DHT in other areas of the body.

DHT shrinks and weakens hair follicles on the scalp until they stop producing new strong and healthy hairs. This process leads to a balding crown or receding hairline.

Unthin's treatment spray

So how do I stop DHT?

The most effective way to treat MPB is by tackling levels of DHT directly. Reducing the levels of DHT has shown to be very effective in preventing further hair loss and even regrowing hair. There are treatments available today which have shown to do this.

Unfortunately, the later you leave your hair loss to progress, the trickier it will be to regrow new hairs. Hair regrowth is not always guaranteed with treatment.

There are various DHT blocking shampoos, natural home remedies and other alternative treatments available today. However, there are certain drugs like Finasteride and Minoxidil which have proven to produce genuine great results.

We’ll explore these in more detail below.

Finasteride and Minoxidil

Finasteride is a widely accepted treatment for Male Pattern Baldness.

It stops the conversion of Testosterone into DHT, protecting your hair follicles from the effects of DHT. Finasteride can be ingested orally, or applied directly to the scalp in a topical form.

Minoxidil is another effective treatment that has shown to produce great results. It is a topical treatment and it is applied directly to the area of hair loss.

Minoxidil works to deliver more nutrients to hair follicles, which will increase the hairs in size and cause them to thicken.

The Unthin Treatment

Here at Unthin, we know that both Finasteride and Minoxidil are the most effective treatments on the market for tackling male hair loss. That’s why we’ve combined both of these popular and tried-and-tested solutions into one twice-daily grease-free and odourless head spray. We don’t want to ruin your look!

Many other treatments provide Finasteride in a tablet form which has been found to produce adverse side effects in some men. However, Unthin’s treatment is a topical spray that is applied directly to the scalp. This means the potential side effects are minimal, and the treatment has an increased success rate.

We know that experiencing hair loss can be a frustrating struggle, and it’s important to find the right treatment for you. Find out how to treat your MPB here.

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always ask your doctor about the risks and benefits of any hair loss treatment.

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